Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

The kids enjoyed Easter this year. Here they are coloring easter eggs. Ellie loved this of course as did Brayden, but Tyler only did about 5 and said he was done. He is getting a bit old to do these things, I guess.

After church we went outside to take a few pictures of the kids dressed in their Sunday best. Our neighbor was outside as well and 0ffered to take a picture of all of us. It's not the best but one of the few with all of us.Isn't she cute? And quite a poser!!

Brayden was excited for his Easter stuff from the Easter bunny. I think he ate the majority of his candy in one day.
Tyler was excited about his I-tunes card and he has already downloaded his favorite songs on his I-pod.
Ellie was happy with her new clothes and of course the candy.
Here is Ellie finding the eggs the Easter bunny hid. Notice Tyler in the background. I think he would have rather gone back to bed.

Overall, Easter was a success. I even made my first ham. I know, pathetic, but we usually go to my aunt's on Easter.

March Madness

This post is long over due. We went to St. George in March for a baseball tournament for Brayden's team. We had a good time but the weather could have been a bit warmer. My mom and dad were able to come and see Brayden play. It was fun having them there. We stayed with Jim and Sue West, a couple in our ward. They built a new home there that is their winter home. It was darling and we had a lot of fun.

Brayden's team did really well. They went 3 for 4 and almost made it to the wild card pick for Saturday. They missed it by one run. Good job Weber!!