Monday, February 7, 2011

Universal Studios

We had three day passes to Disneyland but were able to do it in 2 days so we decided to go to Universal Studios for the 3rd day. It wasn't as fun as I remember as a kid but I think the kids liked it. My sister Megan who lives in LA watched Ellie for us when we went to Hawaii so I told her to use the 3rd day of Disneyland tickets for her family before they expired. She was able to go and they had a great time. It was the least I could do for watching Ellie a week.

Jurassic Park ride- tons of fun!

There were some characters here too and of course Ellie had to be with one of us for the pictures.

She wouldn't even have her picture with Dora alone.

Here are the boys being all serious. They had a good time.

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