Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tyler's Valentine Dance

Tyler's school had a Valentine's dance. He wasn't too excited about it but he did look pretty sharp. He got a new shirt and tie to wear. The teachers have been teaching them how to do several different kinds of dances. I wasn't able to go because I had to work, but I got another mom to take pictures for me. Thanks Johanna!

This was the only dance that he actually had to hold a girl's hand. It's the Virginia Reel. He actually showed me how to do this dance a few days before the dance. I told him he was lucky because at my school we do dances too, but we have slow dances. They also have to fill out a dance card. He was glad that he goes to Farr West instead of my school.


Overall, I think he had a good time. I can't believe that he will be in 7th grade soon. Boy does time fly! Before long he will be going to dances in high school. Now that is scary.

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