Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sleepless Nights

Well, last night was one of those nights where you know you are going to have a headache the next day. Ellie was up about 4 times. I am not sure why she didn't sleep well, but hopefully this isn't going to become a habit. The first time was around 11pm and she wanted more milk. Yes, she is 3 now and shouldn't take a sippy cup to bed, but sometimes she does. I definitely need to work on getting her off the milk at night.

Then she woke up around 2am and needed more milk. And yes, I got it for her. Stupid me!! Well she was up just a bit after that to go potty. Imagine that, I wonder why?? Then she woke up AGAIN around 5am and needed to go potty again. Each time she wakes up she isn't real happy. She whines and fusses. I have a hard time getting back to sleep. Anyways, I took her potty and tucked her back in and she started whining for more 'milky'. This time I was going to put my foot down and I told her no. I went back to bed and in the next few seconds she was in my room on the floor kicking and screaming. She still wanted 'milky'. I let her fuss for a bit and then got up and she took off running and screaming down the hall. She quickly came back to my room and I picked her up and started to tell her that she was too old to wake up in the night and need milk. Her reply was, "I don't want to be old." My reply was, "You want to be a baby again?" And her reply to that was "Yes!!"

Well I held her for a while and then put her back down in bed. I asked her if she wanted one of her favorite blankets from her closet. She said yes. So I grabbed it down and then she started crying and saying she didn't want it. So I left it by her and put her other one over her. She then said to put it back in the closet which I did. This brought on more tears and she went on to tell me between her sniffles that she wanted me to throw it in the garbage. So I chucked the blanket into her garbage can and went back to bed. Don't you just love three year olds. :)


Angie Erickson said...

Ellie is so cute! I told her to bring her doll stroller to the games and she can push Cam around in it.

If you want me to put baseball pics on the team website email me some and I will put them on there.

Bonnie said...

Sounds good about the pics. But the stroller thing, I am not sure I would trust her doll stroller to hold Cam (safely).