Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids say the darndest things

Ellie woke up this morning crying around 7am. Bryce went and got her out of bed and brought her to me. She started saying "Kitty bite me." We tried to understand what she was talking about so we asked her some questions. She just kept responding with "kitty bite me." Then she said the kitty bit Tyler too. I think she had a dream about a kitty and it actually bit her. Hopefully that means she will never want a kitty. Sorry to all those cat lovers out there, but I hate them.

Yesterday, as I was looking over Brayden's school work he brought home, I noticed one paper that he had written his name on in his best handwriting. This is not a normal feat for him. He tends to write very sloppy and you can hardly tell what it says. I told him how much I loved the way he had written his name and told him that all he has to do is slow down and take his time and he can write really nice. His response was, "Ya, but it took me like an hour to write it!"

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