Thursday, September 23, 2010

Marathon Relay

Normally I don't blog about myself, usually just the kids. But this time I am going to do a little bragging. On Sept. 11, I ran in a marathon relay in South Jordan. I never would have thought I would do a race with the word "marathon" in it. Regardless, I didn't run the whole 26.2 miles myself, but I ran 1/5 of it or 5.2 miles. I don't love to run but try to do it to stay in shape.
A few months ago a neighbor of mine wanted to get some teams together for this marathon relay. She put me in charge of one team, and I got our team members registered. Then came the training. I tried to run about 3-4 days a week, sometimes it was less, but overall I was pretty prepared. Amanda, one of my teammates and I started running together in the mornings. We would normally do the circle around Remuda which is about 2.5 miles. Occasionally we went a bit further.
I was nervous the day of the race but excited too. My goal was to finish in under an hour. I made it in about 54 minutes, not the fastest on the team but I didn't care. I had made a goal, prepared for it, and accomplished it!!

This is our team: "Relay Running Moms of Farr West"
Johanna, Kristen, Amanda, me and Jenny
I am almost there

Yea!! I made it.

This is the majority of our two teams

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Appleseed Academy

Ellie had her first day of preschool on Tuesday. She is going to Appleseed Academy which is in the neighborhood. She was so excited!! The first thing she said when she got up was that she was going to preschool today. I wasn't able to take her because I worked but I got to take her on her second day of school. It was really nice to drop her off and then go run errands. I was able to go to Winco and Smiths and unload my car full of groceries before I had to pick her up.
She is definitely growing up and I love how excited she is about school. Hopefully her attitude stays!!